Monday, October 6, 2008

Flaws Of Communism And Capitalism

The flaw of communism is that it places the individual in dependence on a welfare state instead of a radical dependence on God's Grace.

The flaw of capitalism is that it places an individual's faith in greed and a dependence on a free-market economy instead of a radical dependence on God's Grace.


  1. Thanks! I just pointed people to your post---trying to post a lot of text-only posts as I seemed to have had some problems Blogging today so I had to switch from Safari to Firefox to get any Blogging done. And Safari seems to run more efficiently when I post a bunch of text-only posts after posting a bunch of high media content posts, so that is what I'm trying to do. I'm not sure why Safari is acting up---it hasn't giving me much of any problem before ever since I switched to it as my sole Blogging browser. Anyways with that said---keep up the good work and stop by again sometime!
