Friday, October 3, 2008

How to Be Evangelical Without Being Conservative

Ironic Quotes of the Day (Roger Olson)

"The irony should not escape us. Many conservative Christians oppose biological evolution while implicitly and unconsciously promoting a form of social Darwinism" (Roger E. Olson, How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008) p.137).

"Luther is a hero to most conservative evangelical theologians. But the ironic tragedy is that too often they now fill the role of those inquisitors who demanded that Luther recant his newly discovered truths...But how can the church be reformed and always reforming if it doesn't allow for new Luthers with their desire and ability to make the Word fresh by discovering the new light breaking forth from it?" (Roger E. Olson, How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008) p.150).

---------Interesting quotes.

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