Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Intensive Gospel Study---Instructions

Hi, Ben-

Hope you are doing well.

The Strategic Planning team is doing an intentional reading of the gospels this summer, each person reading one gospel and taking notes. It is preparation work for materials that we are putting together for the congregation for later in the year. I wanted to invite you to participate in the reading this summer if you would be interested. If you are, let me know and I will get a packet of materials ready for you. Let me know which gospel you would prefer to read.

Thanks, Ben.



Thanks! I'd like to take John as I had a Senior Seminar on that one, so I already have a few notes on it.

See you soon,

---so without further ado, I shall soon post all my Senior Seminar notes on John.

Hi, Ben-

Thanks for taking part in our Gospel reading this summer. I have left a packet for you at the church office reception window with your name on it that will explain how we want to go about reading the gospels together and also taking notes on what you are reading. Some folks have said that they prefer typing to writing so I am attaching an electronic version of the note sheets. The packet will have instructions on what you are asked to do. For the most part we are looking to see at what points the gospel speaks to you. We need these to be brief notes that respond to the questions for each chapter. Please do not write more than the size of the box. I will be incorporating these notes for 40 people. So less is more. I do not need an index of everything going on in a particular chapter. I am more looking for what is really standing out to you personally, because that will likely stand out to someone else. These responses will be used to help us develop a church wide curriculum for later this year.

Thanks again for you help. Let me know if you have any questions.


---I think I got too detailed, but that's always the nature of theological reflection.

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