Monday, October 6, 2008

Intensive Gospel Study: John 17

Reading Sheet
JOHN – Chapter 17

What/who was important to Jesus?


What needs did Jesus meet?

He prayed for the disciples and all believers

What did Jesus ask or require of his followers?

That all believers may be one

What issues did Jesus address (relationships, work, money, character, religious practice, etc.)?
The mission of the church to be one in love

What is compelling to you about Jesus in this section?
That Jesus always prays, even though Jesus is God incarnate and that salvation is predestined through Christ, because God the Father loved Him from the foundation of the world

How do followers respond to Jesus?
They are to be one in love

What in this section challenges us to respond/ imitate/obey?

Pray always and strive to be one in love

How did Jesus change the world (for an individual or for a community)? He prayed for all of us

What vision of being missional do you glimpse for yourself? For the church? The mission of the church is to be one in love, so that the Gospel is demonstrated---so that the world may believe

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