Saturday, October 25, 2008

Johann Christoph Blumhardt and Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt On Inspiration

"People speak much these days about “the inspiration
of scripture”; and this is good. However, I prefer to speak of
“inspired people.” God be thanked that we have scriptures that came from those through whom God’s Spirit spoke the
truth. Yet it is the prophet who is inspired, not the letter of
scripture. And if the letter is to lead to the truth, so must
you also be led by the Spirit of God as you read. Conversely, today’s natural man knows nothing of the
Spirit of God and so gets himself quite confused regarding
the words of the inspired prophets. But thus, also, a man like
Luther could, for his time, personally witness to the God intended
truth of that for which other writers of his time
could find no meaning nor make any sense. He was ruled
by God and the Spirit, not by biblical texts. But if we all attend
only upon the revealed life of God, and if each person
is zealous only for his own gifts regarding God’s truth and
steadfastness, then we do not need to be in conflict over the
inspiration of scripture. We then can find ourselves in reciprocal

Pgs. 104-105, Thy Kingdom Come: A Blumhardt Reader

Read more about this book: Here.

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