Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Barker, Kenneth I. And John R. Kohlenberger. (Eds.). (1994). Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary Volume 2: New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
Barnstone, Willis. (Ed.). (1984). The Other Bible: Jewish Pseudepigrapha, Christian Apocrypha, Gnostic Scriptures, Kabbalah, Dead Sea Scrolls. San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers.
Includes information on other sources from biblical times which mention resurrection.
Blake, William. (1984). Songs Of Innocence And Songs Of Experience. NY: Dover Publications, Inc.
Not used in paper but this source helps to see Blake's use of religious imagery at his best.
Borg, Marcus J. (1994). Jesus In Contemporary Scholarship. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International.
Briefly skimmed over for background information.
Brel, Jacques. (N/A). My Death. ---lyrics to a song. (Mort Schuman and Eric Blau, trans.) Paris: N/A.
Used in presentation.
Bruce Springsteen Lyrics. (Website). Link:
Cited in paper for use of song.
Cat Stevens.Com. (Website). Link:
Cited in paper for use of a few songs. Individual links to the lyrics of these songs can be found in the citations of the text.
Currin, Ben. (1999). Chess-Piece. ---song lyrics. Laurinburg, NC/Buies Creek, NC: T/H Songs, Inc./GB Lyrics, C. O.
0->----(2002). Electric Ghost-Land. --- song lyrics. Laurinburg, NC/Buies Creek, NC: T/H Songs, Inc./GB Lyrics, C. O.
Both of these songs that I wrote are used in my presentation.
Dylan, Bob. (1985). Lyrics, 1962-1985. NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
Used to cite most of Dylan's lyrics that are cited in the paper.
Eliot, T. S. (1971). Four Quartets. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc.
Briefly mentioned in paper.
Ellmann, Richard and Robert O' Clair. (Eds.). (1988). The Norton Anthology Of Modern Poetry. NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
Used for literary background.
Fairhairn, Patrick. (1989). Typology Of Scripture. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
Pages 338-339 are paraphrased in the text.
Gill, Andy. (1998). Don't Think Twice, It's Alright: Bob Dylan, the early years. NY: Thunder's Mouth Press.
Not really used but helpful in interpreting Dylan’s songs, although it is more prevalent for one to interpret them for themselves.
Headlam, Arthur C. (1914). The Miracles Of The New Testament. London: John Murray.
Pages 226 and 334 paraphrased in the paper.
Kissinger, Warren S. (1979). The Parables Of Jesus: A History Of Interpretation and Bibliiography. London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Briefly skimmed over for information on the Lazarus parable.
Kysar, Robert. (1993). John: The Maverick Gospel. Louisville, KY: John Knox, Press.
Not used for any other purpose beyond background information.
Lewis, C. S. (1947). Miracles: A Preliminary Study. NY: The Macmillan Company.
Quote used from page 180 in paper.
Lomax, John A. and Alan Lomax. (Eds.). (1947). Best Loved American Folk Songs. NY: Grosset & Dunlap.
Used for Folk song reference in text.
Maclaren, Alexander. (1978). Expositions of Holy Scriptures: Saint John Chapters 1-14. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
Quoted page 98 in paper.
My Back Pages: A Closer Look At The Music Of Bob Dylan. (Website). Link: <>
Cited in paper for use of song.
Nelson’s Electronic Bible Reference Library. (1997). [Computer Program]. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used for background information and biblical texts.
O’ Day, Gail. (1995). The New Interpreter’s Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press.
Helpful commentary source.
Pete Seeger’s Songs. (Website). Link: <>
Individual links to songs cited in paper.
Ramsey, I. T. , G. H, Boobyer, F. M. Davey, M. C, Perry and Henry J. Cadbury. (1978). Theological Collections 3: The Miracles And The Resurrection. London: S. P. C. K.
Quoted page 91 in paper.
Raising Lazarus. (Website). Link: < >
Source for artwork in paper.
Rimbaud, Arthur. (1994). Poems. (Paul Schmidt, trans,). Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf.
Discussed in paper and presentation.
Smith, Jr., D. Moody. (1999). Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: John. Nashville: Abingdon Press.
Another commentary.
Sting Lyrics. (Website). Link: <>
Link for ‘Lazarus Heart’ lyrics.
Stokes, Niall. (1997). U2: Into The Heart. NY: Thunder’s Mouth Press.
Another song interpretation book.
The Songs Of Woody Guthrie. (Website). Link: <>
Link for song lyrics to song referenced in paper.
The U2 Lyrics Archive. (Website). Link: < >
Link for song lyrics to song referenced in paper.
Thompson, G. R. (Ed.). (1970). Great Short Works Of Edgar Allan Poe. Tokyo: Harper & Row, Publishers.
Mentioned in paper.
Wardlaw, Ralph. (1853). On Miracles. NY: Robert Carter & Brothers.
Mentioned In Text.

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