Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mistakes 2

Sorry for the misspelling on the title of this post: TheoPoetic Musings: My Political Canidate---Jesus For President: Long Live The Slaughtered Lamb, but since it's too late for me to change it and the links to it, I'm leaving it as is. I caught the spelling error after posting it and linking to it in another post---it should be: My Political Candidate---Jesus For President: Long Live The Slaughtered Lamb.

Secondly from this post: TheoPoetic Musings: 08-08-08 At 8 P.M.: My Cousin's Wedding: "Also, my mom believes that homosexuality is God's answer to the problem of overpopulation." should be corrected to: "Also, my mom believes that homosexuality is possibly God's way of dealing with/one of God's answers to the problem of overpopulation."

Please let me know if you catch any other mistakes such as spelling errors, broken links or what not.

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