Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good News For Jon & Kate Plus 8 Fans

Jon & Kate set the record straight on those divorce rumors:
Kate Wins: 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' Will Return
posted: 5 DAYS 11 HOURS AGOcomments: 338filed under: TV NewsPrintShareText SizeAAA

(April 3) - Despite the parents being plagued by divorce rumors and Jon Gosselin's disdain for filming, 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' will return for a fifth season, EW reports.
The fate of the TLC show, which follows Jon and Kate Gosselin as they raise 8-year-old twins and 4-year-old sextuplets, was left up in the air during the finale of season four as Gosselin revealed he was not happy with being in the spotlight but his wife voiced her desire to continue with the series.
Tabloids have jumped on the Gosselin's marriage, showing photos of Jon partying with college girls at a bar. Although specific rumors were not addressed in the March 23 episode, which was the show's highest rated ever, the couple looked uncomfortable together.

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2009-04-03 08:17:17
My mom will be glad because Jon & Kate Plus 8 is one of her favorite shows. Here is another article about Jon & Kate from Parent Dish:
Jon and Kate Set The Record Straight
by Brett Singer Apr 8th 2009 5:00AM

Categories: Rumors, Behaving badly

In real life, if a couple is having marital problems, they might seek help from a counselor. Or friends. Or just take some time to talk. But in the world of reality TV, they call their publicist.

Jon and Kate Gosselin want people to know that things are fine at home. Well, mostly fine. In an interview with Ladies' Home Journal, Jon says that he now spends his "whole life counting to eight." PopEater gives us some other highlights: Kate does most of the talking, telling us that their TV show "is the realest reality show there is. You get the good, the bad and the ugly," and she wouldn't go back to the way things were before they were on the air. She says that the family thinks of the show as "our family job, one that lets us stay home together."

But what people really want to know is what the heck was up with those photos of Jon playing beer pong with college girls. Jon calls those ladies "fans" and tells Ladies' Home Journal that he is "not perfect. This struggle has definitely put some tension in our marriage." Bottom line for us, he says: "I never cheated on Kate. Kate and I are together."

When you put your life on display, you open yourself up to being judged. And judging by the number of comments on the thousands of blog posts that the Gosselins generate, people seem fascinated by this family, and have very strong opinions about them as well. Here on ParentDish, the over 400 comments on this post range from digs at Kate ("I HATE yes HATE the way Kate treats Jon. She treats him as if he is one of her kids") to digs at Jon ("You are suggesting and condoning a man to cheat on his wife? What kind of people are you?") and even outright denial (" look at that picture of 'Jon' with those two girls at that party, you can see that he is not Jon Gosselin").

No matter what you think of the couple, all of this controversy seems to be translating into higher ratings. In fact, the recent season finale of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" garnered the biggest numbers ever for the show. So while all of this nonsense is probably not good for their marriage, it's clearly good for the bottom line.

What do you think? Will Jon and Kate Gosselin work things out? Or are they done?

Brett Singer is the editor-in-chief of
Here are 2 clips from the show that will warm people up to the Gosselin family:

All I can say is hopefully Jon & Kate will stay strong in their faith and not let anything tear their marriage apart for the sake of their 8 children. Read more about the Gosselin family and their faith here: Gosselin Sextuplets & Twins - The official family website.

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