Monday, April 20, 2009

Oscar Romero's Assasination

In case you missed it---March 24th was the anniversary of Archbishop Oscar Romero's assassination, so here are some items related to that:

See: San Romero de las Américas.

Here's an excerpt from Travel Blog's post--- Mons Oscar Romero-Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » San Salvador
October 23rd 2008 by Sabbatical
Seeing the chapel where Mons Romero was shot while celebrating Mass was inspirational. At 6.30 pm on 24th March, 1980, as he prepared the gifts for the Offertory, Archbishop Romero looked to the back of the chapel only to see his assassin pointing his gun at him. His last words were 'This is my gift'. It is little wonder that he became a target in the Central American setting of that time, seeing he was so insistent on justice. At Sunday Mass, for example, he used to name people from across Central America who had 'disappeared'. The government of that time did not want to be shown up!

The chapel at the Carmelite Hospial for Cancer patients
Mons Romero was standing behind the altar when he was shot from the back of the chapel with the gunman taking aim from within a car.

Mons Romero
The house where Mons Romero lived is located adjacent to the Chapel. The blood stains can be seen on these clothes and robes the Archibishop was wearing when he was shot.

The Tomb of Mons Romero
Mons Romero's tomb is located in the crypt of the San Salvador Cathedral. For a while it was located at a side altar in the Cathedral.

Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez - En su memoria

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