Sunday, September 13, 2009

FBC Wilmington Church-Wide Genesis Study

This Sunday---we began our church-wide study on Genesis after finishing up our study on Acts. Interestingly enough we began with the second Creation account as the verses that contain the first account were part of the daily devotionals section of our study. You can temporarily be viewed: Here. Anyways, in the back of our study booklet, there are some lyrics that I wrote 3 years ago:

You tore the veil, across my heart, opened the door, for You had the key
You made a man out of the boy still within me
And I’ll remember You, all of my days
For I’m thankful, Lord, I’ll forever sing Your praise
And wherever I go, oh, I know that You’ll be next to me
From Babylon to the Sea of Galilee…for all Eternity

You’ve always been here, for You are the Ancient of Days
And though, we can’t always comprehend Your mysterious ways
Nothing gets past You, for You know it all
And I can’t understand how it is You made me fall
For out here, in the dark woods, it can get so lonely, you see
But that’s the way it’s been, in every page of history

But I am glad, You took me by the hand
And gave me the faith of Abraham
Sometimes, in a life, Love calls you by name
It’s the little things, in life that get you, through the shame
Live for the moment, live for the day
Live everyday like Eternity has passed away
Live every moment by God’s command
Live like you have the faith of Abraham

It’s a hard mountain that you must climb to heal your spiritual hurt
But on the other side, Lord, You turn that mountain back into dirt
El Shaddai, God of the Mountains, God of the Seas
God of Our Fathers, God of Eternity
You will not forsake us though we forsake You
You will never leave us though we may leave You like we do

In the Garden, just You and I and no one else
The dark of night has a way, about exposing the True self
And in the moonlight, see the tears stream, across my face
The Cup is Yours, You took my place
Then You filled the empty space inside my heart
You’re always around, when I need to fall apart

Oh, and I’m so glad, You took me by the hand
And gave me the faith of Abraham
Sometimes, in a life, Love calls you by name
It’s the little things, in life that get you, through the shame
Live for the moment, live for the day
Live everyday like Eternity has passed away
Live every moment by God’s command
Live like you have the faith of Abraham

Yeah, I’m so glad, You took me by the hand
And gave me the faith of Abraham
Sometimes, in a life, Love calls you by name
It’s the little things, in life that get you, through the shame
Live for the moment, live for the day
Live everyday like Eternity has passed away
Live every moment by God’s command
Live like you have the faith of Abraham

©2006 T/H Songs, INC. & GB Lyrics, CO

Also the three points of Dr. Queen's sermon today about the second Creation account were:

1. You can't always get what you want.

2. Sexuality shouldn't shame us as it is a gift from God.

3. Everyone needs a blessing---people need people to help them along the way.

In my next post, I'll list some good resources on Genesis for our study.

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