Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe Finally Gets A Lavish Funeral

Poe Finally Getting Buried in Style
posted: 18 HOURS 38 MINUTES AGOcomments: 82filed under: National News, Weird News

BALTIMORE (Oct. 6) -- For Edgar Allan Poe, 2009 has been a better year than 1849. After dozens of events in several cities to mark the 200th anniversary of his birth, he's about to get the grand funeral that a writer of his stature should have received when he died.

One hundred sixty years ago, the beleaguered, impoverished Poe was found, delirious and in distress outside a Baltimore tavern. He was never coherent enough to explain what had befallen him since leaving Richmond, Va., a week earlier. He spent four days in a hospital before he died at age 40.

Poe's cousin, Neilson Poe, never announced his death publicly. Fewer than 10 people attended the hasty funeral for one of the 19th century's greatest writers. And the injustices piled on. Poe's tombstone was destroyed before it could be installed, when a train derailed and crashed into a stonecutter's yard. Rufus Griswold, a Poe enemy, published a libelous obituary that damaged Poe's reputation for decades.

But on Sunday, Poe's funeral will get an elaborate do-over, with two services expected to draw about 350 people each — the most a former church next to his grave can hold. Actors portraying Poe's contemporaries and other long-dead writers and artists will pay their respects, reading eulogies adapted from their writings about Poe.

(Read on: Here).

This is pretty cool as Poe is a brilliant writer and has finally started to get the respect that he deserves. This funeral is a little late but hopefully will be a step forward in helping to preserve Poe's legacy. Here's to the Father of Gothic Horror---may we think of you more than just around Halloween.

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