Monday, December 21, 2009

Top 10 Phrases And Words Todd Friel Uses That Are Not Found In The Bible

Top 10 Phrases And Words Todd Friel Uses That Are Not Found In The Bible:

A Satire Of Todd Friel's Ten Reasons To Not Ask Jesus Into Your Heart

10. Total Depravity---the concept yes but no exact reference.

9. Original Sin---the concept yes but no exact reference.

8. Trinity---the concept yes but no exact reference.

7. Hell---though sheol-the grave, gehenna-Valley of Hinnom a garbage dump in Jerusalem, etc. are.

6. True and false converts

5. John MacArthur---obviously not.

4. Charles Spurgeon---obvious as well.

3. inerrancy---nope.

2. Protestantism---nada.

1. Absolute Truth---nope---this is a neo-Platonic dualistic and Gnostic concept of Modernism.

Bonus points: driving to church on Sunday, the rapture, Way Of The Master and Wretched radio, toilets are also not in the bible but peeing on walls is:
Pastor Steven Anderson (Faithful Word Baptist Church, Tempe, Arizona) sermonizes on the phrase "him that pisseth against the wall" in I Kings 14:10. The phrase is also found in I Sam 25:22, 25:34; I Kings 16:11, 21:21; and II Kings 9:8

If the duty of the Christian is not to follow Christ but live by the bible---we should make sure we get these key Salvation-effecting points right.

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