Sunday, October 11, 2009

Good News/Bad News

Here is some good news: Yankee pitcher Fritz Peterson now Pitches for God instead of swapping wives. Here in an excerpt from an article about it:
Wife-Swapping Yank Now Pitches for God

By BUCK WOLF, Senior Correspondent, AOL News
posted: 2 DAYS 10 HOURS AGOcomments: 311filed under: National News, Weird NewsWith HP wireless printers, you could have printed this from any room in the house. Live wirelessly. Print wirelessly.


HOBOKEN, N.J. (Oct. 8) -- Fritz Peterson is pretty sure he isn't going to hell, even though many sports fans remember him for just one thing -- how he met his wife, a woman he's been with for 36 years.
The former New York Yankees pitcher, now 67, figures prominently in the answer to two great sports trivia questions. The first one is this:
In 1973, which two baseball players traded their wives, their two children, and even their dogs?
Indeed, at a time when wife-swapping was a hot topic -- and a sign, perhaps, that the sexual revolution had gone too far -- Peterson and teammate Mike Kekich took the practice to a whole new level.


In the years since, Peterson has rarely talked about his private life. He married the former Susan Kekich, retired from baseball in '76, became an evangelical Christian, and ended up trying to support two households, because his ex-wife and Mike Kekich didn't stay together very long.
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Now, however, Peterson has something to say. He's battling prostate cancer and wants to set the record straight. His memoir, "Mickey Mantle Is Going to Heaven" (Outskirts Press), mixes baseball with reflections on what he calls the "lake of fire" that separates some of us from our place with the Almighty in that great ballpark in the sky.
"I'm not scared of death," Peterson said. "I always thought it would be hilarious to rent a coffin and show up in it at one of those fan fests where the players sign autographs."

This is good news and worth rejoicing in. However, here is some bad news: Irish Priest Kidnapped in Philippines---here is a snippet of that article:
Irish Priest Kidnapped in Philippines
posted: 1 HOUR 21 MINUTES AGOcomments: 14filed under: Crime News, Terrorism News, World News

MANILA, Philippines (Oct. 11) — Heavily armed men barged into a Catholic convent and kidnapped a 78-year old Irish priest late Sunday in the volatile southern Philippines before spiriting him away in a motor boat, an official said.
The six gunmen entered the Columban House in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur province, and dragged Michael Sinnott into a van in front of his horrified aides, regional police commander Chief Supt. Angelo Sunglao said.
"They could not do anything because the abductors had powerful weapons," Sunglao told The Associated Press.
The van was later found abandoned and burned near the convent. The kidnappers then took the priest away by sea on board a motor boat toward a town called Tukuran, Sunglao said, citing fishermen who saw the abduction.
Police have been dispatched to pursue the kidnappers and rescue Sinnott, he said.

Read on: Here.
Hopefully all will work out in the end.

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