Saturday, October 10, 2009

Turkey, Armenia Sign Historic Treaty

This is a step forward for Turkey. Hopefully peace reforms will be a continuing trend within the Turkish government as well as the Armenian government. One can only hope that healing will be made eventually on both sides of divisive politics.

Here is an excerpt from AOL news' report:
Turkey, Armenia Sign Historic Treaty
posted: 1 HOUR 33 MINUTES AGOcomments: 42filed under: World NewsWith HP wireless printers, you could have printed this from any room in the house. Live wirelessly. Print wirelessly.


ZURICH (Oct. 10) - Turkey and Armenia signed an accord Saturday to establish diplomatic relations after a century of enmity, as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton helped the two sides clear a last-minute snag.
"It was pulled back from the brink," said a senior U.S. official.

The Turkish and Armenian foreign ministers signed the agreement in the Swiss city of Zurich after a dispute over the final statements they would make. In the end, the signing took place about three hours later and there were no spoken statements.
Officials say Clinton and mediators from Switzerland intervened to help broker a solution.

The accord is expected to win ratification from both nations' parliaments and could lead to a reopening of their border, which has been closed for 16 years.
But nationalists on both sides are still seeking to derail implementation of the deal.

Read more: Here.

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