Monday, August 04, 2008
Lutherans: Maybe Constantinianism was a bad idea after all...
I just found this in the Biblical Recorder, the newspaper for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina:
Lutherans to apologize for Anabaptist persecution
(Religion News Service)
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is preparing a statement asking forgiveness from Anabaptists - Mennonites, Amish, and similar believers - for 16th century persecution, which included torture and killings.
The decision to prepare the statement was made by the LWF council, the world body's main governing agency, which met in Tanzania in June.
Much of the Lutheran persecution of Anabaptists was based on writings by key figures in the Lutheran movement such as Martin Luther and condemnations in Lutheran confessional writings such as the Formula of Concord and the Augsburg Confession, which are still considered authoritative for Lutherans today.
The statement seeking forgiveness is expected to be ready for the LWF's 11th Assembly, in July 2010. The LWF represents 68 million Lutherans in 141 member churches in 17 countries, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Labels: Discipleship, Ecumenism
Posted by Chris Schelin at Monday, August 04, 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
How Calvinism Undermines Biblical Salvation Assurance
Here are links to a few posts that illustrate this serious problem of
assurance for Calvinist Theology: Perseverance of the Saints Part 13:
Salvation Assur...
16 hours ago
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