Sorry for the misspelling on the title of this post: TheoPoetic Musings: My Political Canidate---Jesus For President: Long Live The Slaughtered Lamb, but since it's too late for me to change it and the links to it, I'm leaving it as is. I caught the spelling error after posting it and linking to it in another post---it should be: My Political Candidate---Jesus For President: Long Live The Slaughtered Lamb.
Secondly from this post: TheoPoetic Musings: 08-08-08 At 8 P.M.: My Cousin's Wedding: "Also, my mom believes that homosexuality is God's answer to the problem of overpopulation." should be corrected to: "Also, my mom believes that homosexuality is possibly God's way of dealing with/one of God's answers to the problem of overpopulation."
Please let me know if you catch any other mistakes such as spelling errors, broken links or what not.
How Calvinism Undermines Biblical Salvation Assurance
Here are links to a few posts that illustrate this serious problem of
assurance for Calvinist Theology: Perseverance of the Saints Part 13:
Salvation Assur...
16 hours ago
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